How to uninstall the EASI’R for Microsoft Outlook Add-in from your Computer
- Step-by-step uninstallation description for Outlook 2019, Office 365, and Outlook for Mac
There are two ways to uninstall the EASI’R Outlook-Add-in, depending on if it had been installed via add-in or via file. This document will explain the uninstallation via ‘File’. If this does not work for you, please find the other uninstallation guide here.
1. Please open Microsoft Outlook on your computer. Then, click "File" in the top left corner.
2. Now, a new window with the heading “Account Information” has opened. Click "Manage Add-ins" further down on the page.
3. A new window should have opened, called “Manage add-ins”. Click the EASI’R add-in in the list and then, click the “-” icon here.
4. As a result from the previous step, a new window should have popped up, asking you to confirm uninstallation of the add-in. Confirm by clicking “Yes”.
5. The EASI’R add-in has now been removed.
If you want to re-install the Add-in, please find instructions here.
If you should encounter any problems during the installation process, please contact the EASI’R Support team at We’ll be happy to help you!