Your profile displays basic information, such as your name, team, address, phone and email. It also contains some settings, such as time zone and region format, that you can personalise according to your needs.
To get to your profile:
- Click on your name in the top right corner
- Now click the menu point ‘Profile’
To edit your Profile:
- Click on the pen icon
in the top right corner of the user details. You can now edit certain information in your profile.
Profile information:
Note: If you can edit the fields below or not depends on the role and rights assigned to you.
- First name
- Last name
- Job title
- Phone number
- Email notifications - If this box is not checked, you will not get any email notifications. Enable email notifications if you want notifications for new leads, incoming EASI’R emails, and so on. For more information on email notifications, click here.
- Team
- User type
- Role (if available)
- Time zone
- Region format
In the profile settings you can also do the following:
- Change your password (unless you use Single-Sign-On)
- Sync your calendar
- Set up your email signature
If there are targets set up for you, you can also see those in your profile. You can see which targets are set up, the total yearly amount and the monthly target. Targets can be set up by team admins.