Below you can find more information about the Performance indicators that are available to you on the 'Performance' tab: (Indicators marked in bold are only available to Administrators)
Indicator name | What is this about? |
Accepted Leads | This is the number of Leads that were accepted in the selected time period. Leads deleted after acceptance are included. |
Assigned Leads | This is the number of Leads that were assigned in the selected time period. Leads deleted or revoked after assignment are included. |
Assigned Leads - unattended | This is the number of Leads that were assigned in the selected time period, and that have not been deleted, rejected, accepted or reassigned. |
Assigned Leads - accepted | This is the number of Leads that were assigned in the selected time period, and that have been accepted. |
Assigned Leads - rejected | This is the number of Leads that were assigned in the selected time period, and that have been rejected. |
Assigned Leads - lost | This is the number of Leads that were assigned in the selected time period, and that have been deleted or re-assigned. |
Assigned Leads - escalated missing first activity | This is the number of Leads that were assigned in the selected time period, and that escalated due to missing first Activity. |
Assigned Leads - escalated missing acceptance | This is the number of Leads that were assigned in the selected time period, and escalated due to missing acceptance. |
Deleted Leads | This is the number of Leads that were deleted in the selected time period. |
Processed within 24 hours | Number of leads that were assigned in the selected time period, and that were accepted or rejected within 24hrs. |
Processed within 48 hours | Number of leads that were assigned in the selected time period, and that were accepted or rejected within 48hrs. |
Rejected Leads | This is the number of Leads that were rejected in the selected time period. |
Time to acceptance - w/o opening hours | This is the average time from when a Lead was assigned, to when it was accepted. Opening hours are not considered. |
Time to acceptance - with opening hours | This is the average time from when a Lead was assigned, to when it was accepted. Opening hours are considered. |
Time to first activity - w/o opening hours | This is the average time from when a Lead was assigned, to when the first activity was created, counted for the person who created the activity. Opening hours are not considered. |
Time to first activity - with opening hours | This is the average time from when a Lead was assigned, to when the first activity was created, counted for the person who created the activity. Opening hours are considered. |
Time to reaction | Average time from when a lead was assigned, to when it was accepted or rejected. Opening hours are not considered. For unprocessed leads the reporting end date is used as an assumed reaction date. |
Sold products | This is the number of products that were sold in Cases closed in the selected time period. One has to be the Case manager of a Case for it to be counted. Products sold in deleted Cases are included. |
Registered test drives | This is the number of test drive Activities that were registered in the selected time period. Test drives registered in deleted Cases are included. |
Registered offers | This is the number of offer Activities that were registered in the selected time period. Offers registered in deleted Cases are included. |
Created B2C Contacts | This is the number of B2C Contacts that were created in the selected time period. Contacts deleted after creation are included. |
Created B2B Accounts | This is the number of B2B Accounts that were created in the selected time period. Accounts deleted after creation are included. |
Created Cases | This is the number of Cases that were created in the selected time period. Counted for the Case manager. Cases deleted after creation are included. |
Created Activities | This is the number of Activities that were created in the selected time period. Activities deleted after creation are included. |
Created B2C Contacts - w/o mobile number | This is the number of all B2C Contacts that were created in the selected time period, and that are missing a mobile phone number. |
Created B2C Contacts - w/o landline number | This is the number of all B2C Contacts that were created in the selected time period, and that are missing a landline number. |
Created B2C Contacts, B2B accounts - w/o full address | This is the number of all B2C Contacts and B2B Accounts that were created in the selected time period, and that are missing a full address. |
Created B2C Contacts - w/o email address | This is the number of all B2C Contacts that were created in the selected time period, and that are missing an email address. |
Created Cases - open | This is the number of all currently open Cases that were created in the selected time period. Counted for the Case manager. |
Created Cases - closed | This is the number of all closed Cases that were created in the selected time period. Counted for the Case manager. |
Created Cases - declined | This is the number of all declined Cases that were created in the selected time period. Counted for the Case manager. |
All B2B Accounts | This is the number of currently existing B2B Accounts. |
All B2B Contacts | This is the number of currently existing B2B Contacts. |
All B2C Contacts | This is the number of currently existing B2C Contacts. |
All B2B Accounts - deleted | This is the number of all deleted B2B Accounts. |
All B2B Contacts - deleted | This is the number of all deleted B2B Contacts. |
All B2C Contacts - deleted | This is the number of all deleted B2C Contacts. |
All B2C Contacts - w/o mobile number | This is the number of all B2C Contacts without mobile phone number. |
All B2C Contacts - w/o landline number | This is the number of all B2C Contacts without landline phone number. |
All B2C Contacts, B2B Accounts - w/o full address | This is the number of all B2C Contacts and B2B Accounts without full address. |
All B2C Contacts - w/o email address | This is the number of all B2C Contacts without email address. |
All Activities | Total number of Activities ever created. Activities from deleted Cases are included. |
All Activities - email | This is the total number of Activities of the type 'Email' ever created. Activities from deleted Cases are included. |
All Activities - call | This is the total number of Activities of the type 'Call' ever created. Activities from deleted Cases are included. |
All Activities - letter | This is the total number of Activities of the type 'Letter' ever created. Activities from deleted Cases are included. |
All Activities - with correspondence | This is the total number of Activities ever created, that include correspondence. Activities from deleted Cases are included. |
All Activities - with product details | This is the total number of Activities ever created, that include product details. Activities from deleted Cases are included. |
All Activities - with planned activities | This is the total number of Activities ever created, that include planned activities. Activities from deleted Cases are included. |
All Activities - with automated relations | This is the total number of Activities ever created, that include automated relations. Activities from deleted Cases are included. |
All Activities - meet | This is the total number of Activities of the type 'Meet' ever created. Activities from deleted Cases are included. |